
I'm an experienced expert in Motivational Interviewing. Whatever your professional background, setting, populations, or applications, I would look forward to assisting your efforts to disseminate Motivational Interviewing.

I am a speaker, trainer, and consultant in Motivational Interviewing and similar brief intervention approaches to changing health behavior. I have been trained by some of the most well-known experts in brief interventions including William Miller, Alan Marlatt, Terri Moyers, Denise Ernst, Mary Larimer, and John Baer. I have been involved in MI training and consultation since 2000, and has been a member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT) since 2003.
I am a clinical health psychologist and Professor and Head in the Department of Psychology at Oklahoma State University. I completed my graduate training at the University of Washington and my pre-doctoral internship at the Puget Sound VA Healthcare System – Seattle. I have trained thousands of providers across the state of Oklahoma, and have been training and consulting with home-based service providers since 2001. My research interests include brief motivational interventions for health behavior change and motivational predictors of self-directed and assisted behavior change. I have worked on numerous different federal, state and privately funded intervention projects that investigated adaptations of motivational interviewing.

I consider my efforts to help disseminate the effective use of Motivational Interviewing to be a calling. I enjoy helping people on "the front lines" of helping populations change behaviors that put their health or well-being at risk. Please contact me if I can be of help to your or your project, it would be an honor to help. Services I can offer include:
Training workshops (from a few hours to multi-day)
Consulting and coaching
Technical assistance with grant-funded projects
Lectures on MI
Conference presentations
Coding for MI practice
Consultation on intervention design